Brew Small, Drink Big

Homebrew club

Join us on the second Saturday of each month for our brew with the brewers monthly home brewing event! Starts at 11 am. Bring your gear and ingredients to brew with. We provide space and water for brewing. Cheers!

Next Homebrew day is June 15th at 11AM! We will be making a zero-calorie sparkling hop water and a sultana lager for the hot summer! Come on by and learn from the brewers to do these styles for your own home taps!

Do not forget! We have a super special homebrew day on July the 13th! It's a brew gear swap and sale! Please see our events page on Facebook to let us know you are coming and if you are looking to swap, sell, or buy! We are currently trying to line up a food truck for the event! More details to come as the event gets closer! HomeBrew Swap and Sale facebook